The My Liveable London campaign is now live.
You can now take action in just one minute – click here to start sending an email to Enfield’s party leaders (or another borough’s, if your address isn’t in Enfield) asking for their commitment to liveable streets that are safe and welcoming for walking and cycling.
This is an unprecedented campaign, uniting pedestrian and cycling campaigners across London. Please don’t miss this opportunity to get our message across to Enfield’s party leaders. By taking action you’re supporting Better Streets for Enfield’s asks: to apply for Liveable Neighbourhood funding, create low traffic neighbourhoods and continue to make our streets safe for all-age cycling throughout the borough.
What else can I do to help?
- Email your Enfield friends asking them to take action at
- Share the same link on social media and use the hashtag #LiveableEnfield
- Help hand out our postcards (see below) before the elections – contact us on
- Donate towards printing costs at
And don’t forget to vote on 3rd May for whoever you think will bring us better streets!