Better Streets for Enfield’s Five ‘Asks’

Ahead of the Enfield council elections on 5th May, we are asking each party to commit to five ‘asks’. The ‘asks’ are designed to encourage and support cycling and walking in Enfield – reducing pollution, noise and danger and helping people to get active. They will also help address the Council’s ambitious climate change goals:

  1. Traffic-free streets around every school during school run hours
  2. A complete, coherent network of cycle lanes throughout the borough
  3. Pedestrian crossing phases at all signalised junctions
  4. An end to high-traffic neighbourhoods 
  5. Borough-wide bike and e-car sharing schemes

If you’d like to email your next council leader to demand safer cycling and Climate Safe Streets in Enfield click here (it takes 2 minutes!)

We will update this page when we hear back from all the political parties.

  • First to sign up were the Enfield Green Party on 14th April.