Have you responded yet to the council’s survey on the Fox Lane low traffic neighbourhood (LTN)? The survey closing date has been extended to 22 December. Read all about it on the Palmers Green Community website, and don’t forget to respond yourself here.
Have questions?
There is a brand new page up on our website tackling the debate about Fox Lane’s low traffic neighbourhood and LTNs in general. We’ve tried to answer questions like:
- Won’t traffic displacement clog up main roads?
- How will emergency services get in?
- Doesn’t Fox Lane need to be a through route?
- What about the high street?
Too many closures?
It seems that many people in the area like the idea of removing through traffic, but not the way the current plan does it. The good news is that the council appears to have taken this on board and will change the design before it goes to trial:
“The initial proposal remains available online and following feedback to date, we anticipate revisions to this proposal, a key theme so far being concerns around entry and exit points into the area”
Email from Enfield Council
Some Better Streets members have put forward an alternative design with a minimal number of filters (closures to vehicles) that still keeps through traffic out of the neighbourhood. This would take the pressure off Fox Lane to be a feeder road for residents’ vehicles, making it more inviting for walking and cycling.
How can I support it?
If you want to join a growing group of residents from all over the Fox Lane area who support the low traffic neighbourhood, drop them a line at FoxLaneLTNConversation@gmail.com.